Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Can you Photoshop that out?


Its a marvellous piece of software. It has managed to work its way into everyday conversation, in fact it has almost transcended its Adjective status to becoming a verb in its own right (To Photoshop) although Adobe try to discourage this wherever possible.

However, most clients seem to think Photoshop consists of a big red button on your screen that reads "Press here to make photo better".

I was shooting a wedding the other day and Mother of the Bride was a bit concerned about her double chin - the bride offered her encouraging words such as "Don`t worry, the photographer will be able to Photoshop that out".

Mother of Bride turn to me and says.. "Really? What can you do about my chin?"

Well, maybe I could put you on a diet and make you do some more fucking exercise, that would be a start.

You see, I could Photoshop a turd - but it would still, essentially, be a turd.

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