Monday, 4 October 2010

Group shots - all you need to do is look at the fucking camera.

OK, I hate group shots at the best of times. I understand that a few are a necessary evil and its always a good idea to get a few shots, especially of the older guests, lets face it, this might be the last time they are all together before the Reaper comes a-knocking for them. However, trying to have every conceivable combination is a waste of your time, my time and to be honest, no cunt will ever look at them. Heres an example list I was emailed the other week - I have edited it down so I dont kill you with boredom.

1. Bride + Groom + Grooms Brother
2. Bride + Groom + Grooms Brother + Partner
3. Bride + Groom + Grooms Brother + Partner + Children
4. Bride + Groom + Grooms Sister
5. Bride + Groom + Grooms Sister + Partner
6. Bride + Groom + Grooms Sister + Partner + Children

and heres the kicker.

7. Bride + Groom + Grooms Brother + Grooms Sister
8. Bride + Groom + Grooms Brother + Partner + Children + Grooms Sister + Partner + Children


Then just repeat that with parents, brides retarded siblings and you are wasting your wedding day away with these pointless fucking photos. And the most annoying thing - all the people mentioned above have to do is stand and look at the camera.. thats all - but can they achieve those most basic of tasks?


Two jobs - stand and look - STAND AND LOOK.

Trust me, it really isn't that fucking hard. And then they have the audacity to moan the shots are taking too long. Tell you what, meet me halfway on this one - ask for less shots, they will take less time. Simple as!

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