Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Selective desaturation - A Post-processing technique for Pikey Scum.

Lets gets this out of the way - if you are one of those wedding photographers who post-process your B&W images by means of the `convert to grayscale` option then get the fuck off this webpage - go on, fuck off - you`re an embarrassment to the craft and you`re not welcome here. However, if you are one of those photographers who offer B&W images with little bits of colour here and there (like the bouquet or confetti - or even in the case of some of you, the Bride and Groom in colour and the guests in B&W) then as you remove your sorry ass from this page keep on walking and throw yourself in front of the nearest bus.

I don't offer it - why? Its tacky tacky shit my friends. I visited a couple the other night at home who wanted to book me and halfway through the visit and going through my awesome sample albums they said.

"Oh, do you do those pictures where the whole image is B&W apart from some items in colour, we love that.."

I came right out there and said No. We don't do tacky shit like that - photographers who do that are morons who deserve to have their cameras smashed over their stupid ignorant heads and clients who want it should join them (although I said it a bit more tactfully than that, although my point was clear).

"Could you do it?"

Of course I could - any fucking monkey with a copy of Photoshop could do it. The question is - Will I do it?


Because you see, its truly is an abomination - I will argue this fact with any photographer out there and I will win the argument.

If you do offer it then I would love to know WHY you think it is so great - leave some links to some of your samples and I will tear them apart.

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